Buying a Signed Book

Sometimes people ask me about my book tour. I guess that a lot of us have a similar half-formed mental image: the newly-published author is being dragged around the country (or around the world) to promote the new book at lots of bookstore events. The good news / bad news for me is that I’m not in the tier of authors whose sales can justify that kind of activity. (Sometimes I vaguely hope that maybe an angry tweet from the White House will spike my sales, but I doubt it would be worth the associated headaches!)

If you’re in the Boston area, I expect there will be at least a couple of chances to see me and get your book signed. One opportunity is at the MIT Press bookstore on Thursday September 20, at 6pm.

I’m also expecting some event in the Bay Area before the end of the year — details to follow. But what if you would like a signed book and there isn’t any likely event? Well, now you can order a signed book from me via!

If you use this link, or if you just go to the Bits to Bitcoin page and find the “collectible” version that’s sold by Jefelex Systems LLC, you’ll be able to buy a signed copy. After you order a copy, I’ll be corresponding with you to be sure I get the inscription right.

The books sell at list price and ship by US Media Mail. If you want something faster or something international, write to me and I’ll see what I can figure out. This is an experiment and may turn out to be a waste of time… but I wanted to see if I could do something to offer signed books for people who may not be able to have me sign their book conventionally.

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